Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tu comida favorita

Write a short paragraph about your favorite meal of the day. Make sure to include answers to the following questions.
-A qué hora comes tu comida favorita?
-Dónde comes: en la casa o en un restaurante?
-Con quien comes?
-Qué comes y qué bebes?

Please bring this to class on Monday.

Have a great week!!


  1. Just wanted to say I'm sorry for being such a lousy student - I've been very bad and I won't make excuses but I will promise to get back on track. I did get my book last week so I will get up to speed and catch up on my homework. I actually forgot about logging in to the blog - my mind is definately been elsewhere lately. Anyway I'll be better.

    Love ya cuz

  2. I totally understand, I figured you had a lot going on...Just fb me when you wanna start up again. Brady is coming home tomorrow, so I may be tied up this weekend, but sometime next week would be ok.
