Sunday, February 27, 2011

La Primavera ya viene!

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend! Here's a little assignment for you to start off the workweek.

Please conjugate these verbs:


Also please write out 2 sentences using each verb (so 4 sentences total), conjugated correctly, and using other vocab that we have learned.

Por ejemplo:

Yo necesito el boligrafo.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions:

Hasta el jueves!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Please write and bring to class tomorrow a brief paragraph intorducing yourself. You can use the structures we learned last week.

Ejemplo (example):
"Hola, me llamo Colleen. Soy de California. Soy amable, atrevida y deportista (a veces). No soy tacana."

If you feel good about that and want to do more, add this. "Me gusta (I like) ______ (a verb from the vocab sheet I gave you)"

"Me gusta nadar y ir al cine."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Class tomorrow!

I finally got our book so we are going to hit the ground running tomorrow! Be prepared for lots of vocab! Once we get your vocab built up a little we can practice more, and it will be more fun

Here are some teasers for tomorrow:
Como se llama?--What's your name?
Me llamo____--My name is___

We will also learn the days of the week and the months of the year.
I look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feliz Dia del Amor y la Amistad!

I wanted to let you know that you all did great in class! I was super impressed on how well every one did, even those with very little to no previousl Spanish experience did a phenomenal job. Muy bien clase!! I hope you all are practicing rolling your r's and listening to Spanish radio, or at least greeting each other in Spanish. Practicing will help a great deal, I promise you.

Today's word of the day (in honor of V Day)- amor: love
and bouns word-amistad: friendship

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hola clase!

Hey everyone! This is where I'll post a few times a week, sometimes a word of the day (in Spanish, of course) and perhaps a homework assignment or two! Feel free to post comments, ask questions, bring up ideas, whatever you want! This will be as helpful as you make it. Gracias and ciao for today!